Steppe By
Hugh Kemp
(OMF Publishing)
Books 2000
543 pp
For those
who think missionary work in Mongolia
has happened only recently, this book by Hugh Kemp will delight and enlighten.
has a strong background in missions, having grown up in India and worked in Mongolia in church planting and
Theological Education by Extension. He and his family went to Mongolia in
1992 with Interserve, and have done several repeat visits.
A skilled
researcher, Kemp would like us to know the true history of God’s work in Mongolia.
He takes us on a sweeping ride through the centuries, through wars and
conquests, boundary realignments and major social changes. He highlights the
role of many of the Christian wives and concubines of Mongolia’s
rulers who exerted subtle influence on the policies of their times. In an easy
to read narrative, Kemp tells us of mission work done by the Moravians, London
Missionary Society, Catholic Mission, and various evangelism efforts in the
twentieth century.
The work of
western missionaries in more recent years has often been hard going. Seldom did
they have good news stories of conversions to send back home, and at times they
feared their intercessors would weary of praying. But step by step and with
persistence and prayer, the forces of darkness are being replaced with the
light of the Gospel. Today in the capital city, Ulaanbataar, Christian churches
have been planted strategically throughout the city.
The information
is easy to follow, being well served by liberal quotes from various sources
with end notes and a comprehensive Bibliography. In his forward Tony Lambert
writes: ‘Hugh Kemp has unearthed many significant facts which are not easily
obtained elsewhere. First-class research is presented in an enjoyable form.’
Hugh Kemp
was urged by Mongolian Christians to write their story. Anyone interested in
knowing what God is doing in the world today will enjoy this fascinating account
of Mongolian Christians from ancient roots to vibrant young church.
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