Monday, August 26, 2013

Gravity True For You But Not For Me

Gravity True for You But Not For Me
Michael Edwards
2011 First Edition
2012 Updated and Revised in E-book format
Available from and Free
Reviewed by Lois Farrow

Everyone has a belief about the existence of God, either for or against. But do we have evidence to back up our belief? Does sincere faith make a belief true? What if that faith is in something that is not true?

The sub-title of this book, Evidence for God’s Existence and Identity, sums up Edwards’ purpose in writing. Taking the metaphor of gravity, Edwards sets out to give a solid case for the existence of God – true whether we believe it or not. He is also at pains to show the gravity of the situation and the eternal consequences of knowing (or not knowing) the truth.

Edwards sets out clear evidence for the existence of God; the basis on which we can trust the Bible; and evidence for the resurrection. He discusses who Jesus claimed to be; moral and scientific arguments for the existence of God (and why some people use these arguments to argue against God); and common objections to the Christian message. In an easy-to-understand format he compares traditional religions and faith systems.

Edwards’ favourite definition of Christian faith is action taken upon established truth.
Our faith is not blind, but is based on historical facts. Jesus proved his words by his miracles, and Acts 1:3 NIV tells us ‘Jesus showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive.

Liberal quotes from other authors back up his points. Personal experience along with testimonies and anecdotes from others strengthen his arguments. In the latter chapters he clearly shows why and how to become a Christ follower.

At times, especially in the second half of the book, the writing becomes repetitive as the author labours his points instead of letting the facts speak for themselves. He has excellent material and appears over-anxious to be sure we understand it.

This is a great book to share with non-believing friends and those needing confirmation and reassurance in their faith. Many of the points raised provide material useful in personal witnessing. I would highly recommend it.

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