Monday, December 1, 2014

The Rosie Project

The Rosie Project
Graeme Simsion                                                                     
Simon and Schuster 2013
295 pp

The dead-pan voice of middle-aged Don Tillman who narrates this story creates a deceptive simplicity to this tale. A socially challenged genetics professor, Don is sure he will never find romance. On the few occasions when he does get a date, it is sure to end in disaster.
However, after being told he would make a good husband, he embarks on the Wife Project with the same meticulous care with which he approaches all of life. When almost at the end of his tether, into his life bursts Rosie. She is looking for the father she has never known and has been told the professor should be able to help.
Now he applies his usual methodology to the Father Project, and the Wife Project is put aside. The hilarious search for the elusive father takes Don and Rosie on a wild ride. Because Rosie is everything that Don doesn’t want in a wife, he never sees her as a candidate for his own project.
Of course everyone else can see the obvious long before he does himself. Time and again Don jeopardises his own chance for love, and you want to shout at him to open his eyes to what is right before his eyes. The story eventually comes to a satisfying conclusion and we can breathe a sigh of relief.